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Rock n Road Runners – Thursday Intervals



OTE Energy Drink Sachet

Designed to provide you with energy during exercise, our Lemon and Lime Energy Drink Sachets contain just the right amounts of carbohydrates to do so.  They also contain electrolytes to help replace salts lost during sweating and aid rehydration. One sachet easily mixes with 500ml of water to provide you with 40g of carbohydrates. This is enough energy for 40-60 minutes of moderate to intense exercise.

The natural lemon and lime energy drink flavour provides a refreshing fruity taste that is easy to consume anytime during your workout. Also, to eliminate stomach upset often associated with Sports nutrition, we have designed our energy drinks to be pH neutral. This means they are kind on the stomach.

The manufacturing facility used to produce all our energy drinks is Informed Sport certified.


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