We suggest that runners bring the following with them: running shoes, charged mobile phone with What3Words app, nutrition & hydration as required and weather-appropriate clothing.We do not mark the route so if you are concerned about getting lost, we suggest either downloading or familiarising yourself with the Strava route in the course description below or sticking with someone who knows the route and/or a tail walker/lead runner.
If you are unsure about any of the above, drop us a message or speak to us in store.
Looking forward to having you join us!
NB: For downloading Strava routes to Garmin device: https://support.strava.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000919304–Syncing-Strava-Routes-to-your-Garmin-Device
Where: Le Braye Car Park
When: Sunday 29th January, 9am
Route: Le Braye – Mont Matthieu – Grantez – Cafe Ouen (Out & Back)
Total elevation gain: 473ft/143m
Post-run recaffeination: Le Braye https://www.facebook.com/LeBrayeCafe
If you would like to join the Rock n Road Runners run club or be added to our RNR Facebook group, drop us an email at info@rocknroad.je
*Please note that all runners participate at their own risk*