Next Running Event:

Rock n Road Runners Saturday Trail Run: Goose Green – Waterworks Valley (Out & Back)



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A new community for Jersey runners to train, seek advice and get geared up.


Check out the resources section for useful hints and tips, gear review new routes and more.


Our friendly team are always on hand to answer any questions. Whether it's about run training or hiking jackets and shoes, we are always happy to talk about our passions.

At Rock n Road we want to use our many years of experience and qualifications to help you run your best – whatever your goals.
Run Groups
We’re all about getting out there and running and we’ve got a variety of groups in place to help you do just that.
Biomechanical Analysis
We will look at the entire kinetic chain from head to toe then offer simple cues and strategies to point you towards a more efficient running style.
Run Coaching
We’ve all got our own reasons for getting into running and we’ve all got different needs and aspirations.


We run for a very simple reason, we enjoy it and hope our love of running can rub off on as many people as possible. Whatever your goals or pace, the focus is always on getting out there and getting a little better each day.

Hiking, Hill Walking

Hiking and Outdoor

Sometimes you just need to bring the pace down a bit to really enjoy the outdoors. If walking a and hiking are more your thing then rest assured we have you covered.
